Anddy's Theme


PROJECT ALEX 01: Damned Sisters

Dear Sisters, let's feast!
'Till the dawn breaks,
'Till we have to hide
Beneath this fake flesh
And pretend to the world
That our hearts do beat
And we too can bleed.
Once more, the night is ours.
Let's dance the stars away!
And perhaps we'll consume the moon?
To confuse the sun of course!
So tonight shall never end.
We're simply feral vultures,
Trying to be demure doves.
For what? Love?
Ha! It belongs not to us!
Only to mankind, Dear Sisters.
We nocturnes have naught but
This damned pit of sorrows.
Never can we walk in the light
As skeletons that we are.
Daytimes are never ours...
Come, Sisters!
Drink from my tears
And let's own the night!


Novenia said...

This is fabulous, dear.. Like it! hehehe.. :)

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